Jumat, 16 Januari 2015


Gematria provides convincing evidence of the Bible's divine authorship - just the first seven words of the Hebrew Bible are all it takes to affirm that God is the Creator. In  Jewish tradition, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building blocks of creation, and the Torah is the blueprint. The remarkable gematria within the Bible supports this view. 

Much has been spoken about the richness of the biblical text, but less well known is the numerical patterns to be found within the text. Gematria is a system of applying numerical value to a word or phrase, and applies to both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. Each letter has a numerical value, and the system is perfectly logical - the first ten letters of the alphabet are assigned numbers one through ten, the numbers then increment by tens to one hundred and then by hundreds. So for the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the gematria values are :
Hebrew alphabet standard gematria values
The letters of the Hebrew alphabet, with their standard gematria values.

For those letters with two entries, the lower characters are used at the end of a word. The values shown are used in what is termed standard gematria. Another method, termed ordinal gematria, assigns a number equal to a letter's place in the alphabet, one through twenty-two.

For example, consider the word "wisdom" or chokmah in Hebrew (remember that Hebrew script is read from right to left) :
hebrew chockmah wisdom gematria

It so happens that this Hebrew word, and these numbers will prove crucial to what follows. 
Numbers 37 and 73 should not be considered ordinary by any means. 

  • 37 and 73 are reflective numbers
  • 37 and 73 are the 12th and 21st prime numbers respectively
  • 12 and 21 are reflective numbers
  • 12² (144) and 21² (441) are also reflective numbers

Both 37 and 73 are star numbers, and 37 is also a hexagonal number. The gematria for "Israel" (ישראל) is 541 which is also a star number. The association between the Creator and the "Star of David" should be obvious from the following diagram :

Star of David numbers

The relationship between these two numbers can be appreciated when it can be seen that the 37 star and the 37 hexagon both fit neatly inside the 73 star.

Number 37 and 73 star hexagon

  • Average (37, 73) = 55
  • Average density of the earth = 5500 kg/m³


From this point, things start to get really interesting. The first verse of the Hebrew Bible consists of just 7 words and 28 letters, but is a powerful and precise account of the creation of the universe. Much has been done to reveal the remarkable gematria of this famous verse by researcher Vernon Jenkins. A brief summary of his work now follows.
Genesis 1:1 standard gematria
These words from Genesis 1:1 sum to 2701, which is 73 x 37 and the 73rd triangular number. 
Triangular number values

Other interesting triangular Bible numbers include :                         

153 -  the number of fishes caught in John 21:1-14

276 -  the number of souls saved from the storm in Acts 27:14-44
666 -  the number of a man from Revelation 13:18
703 -  the gematria value for "and the earth" (407 + 296) from                     Genesis 1:1
The 2701 triangle can be divided into four separate triangles in the form 3A + B = 2701, where A = 666 and B = 703.
Genesis 1:1 gematria triangle 2701
Genesis  1:1 gematria triangle segments 666 703
Genesis 1:1 gematria = 73 x 37 = 2701
perimeter = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6
3 x 666 = 1998 (In the beginning God created the heaven...)
1998 + 703 = 2701
  • 2701² = 7,295,401
  • 7 + 295 + 401 = 703
  • 703² = 494,209
  • 494 + 209 = 703

Also note that 2701 = 26² + 45². Whilst the standard gematria value for YHVH (the ineffable name of God) is 26, when each letter of the  Tetragarammaton is spelled out, we have Yud (yud vav dalet) Hey (hey alef) Vav (vav alef vav) Hey (hey alef). So the millui gematria value
is 10 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 1 = 45. The standard gematria for Adam (אדם) is also 45, and Eve (in Hebrew Chavah or חוה) is 19, which is 45 minus 26.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them"
  Genesis 1:27 

Clearly, the arrangement of the Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1 bear witness to a profound intelligence beyond our comprehension. The 
numbers revealed in the Genesis triangle will prove important as we progress.

JOHN 1:1

John 1:1 echoes Genesis 1:1, but whereas Genesis refers to the God's activity at the beginning of creation, here we learn of a being who existed before creation took place.
John 1:1 standard greek gematria
In Greek gematria, this verse has a value of 3627. Initially, this number seems unremarkable. Not triangular, not a star number, not  divisible by 37. But 3627 forms a trapezium, which fits perfectly with the Genesis triangle to form the 112th triangle. So 2701 + 3627 = 6328. The number of rows (112) is also the gematria value for The Lord God -YHVH Elohim ( יהוה אלהים).

The complete creation triangle then looks like this :

Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 gematria triangle
Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 (2701 + 3627 = 6328)

Numerical anagrams - according to the Jewish Encyclpedia, the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) occurs 6,823 times in the Old Testament. The Greek gematria value for Jesus Christ (Iesous Christos) is 2368.
Jesus Christ Greek gematria 2368
  • 6823 - Word count YHWH (יהוה) in the Tanakh, or Old Testament
  • 6328 - Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1
  • 2368 - Jesus Christ
  • (6823 - 2368) / (6823 - 6328) =  9
  • 2701 x 888 = 2,398,488
  • 2 + 398 + 488 = 888
  • 2701 x 1480 = 3,997,480
  • 3 + 997 + 480 = 1480


Another remarkable "proof" from the gematria of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 is the discovery of the values of key mathematical constants to a high degree of accuracy. The calculation of transcendental numbers π and e, along with the fine structure constant α attest to the authenticity of the text. The identical method to obtain π and e from separate creation accounts from different covenants is evidence of the oneness of the Bible, and the hand of the Creator in its compilation.
pi and e from the bible
For the full π formula, copy and paste into a spreadsheet program: 
Using the same methodology, π and e are calculated to five significant figures from the first verses in the Books of Genesis and John respectively. The decimal system has ten digits, so the probability of matching a single digit is 1/10. Extrapolating, the probability of matching five digits becomes 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10, or 1/100,000 (one chance in a hundred thousand). The probability of calculating π ande to five significant figures, using the same methodology, therefore becomes 1/100,000 x 1/100,000 or one in ten billion! The likelihood of this being a product of purely random chance therefore becomes almost ridiculous.
Mathematician Leonhard Euler is famous for an equation which weaves together four seemingly unrelated mathematical numbers, e, π, i, and –1, in an astonishingly simple way. It has become to mathematicians what Einstein's famous equation is to physicists. Readers of the journal Mathematical Intelligencer chose Euler's identity as the single most beautiful equation in all of mathematics.
According to a Midrash, the Torah was created prior to the creation of the world, and was used as the blueprint for Creation. The teachings of the Torah were given by God to Moses in 1313 BCE. The majority of Biblical scholars believe that the written books were compiled between approximately 600 BCE and 400 BCE. In any event, the accuracy of the π approximation revealed in the first verse of the Book of Genesis remained unsurpassed for millenia.
The very first reference to π is to be found in a 2000 BCE clay tablet cuneiform script held at the British Museum. It's value was estimated as 4(8/9)², or 3.1605. This remained the best approximation until the time of Archimedes (287-212 BCE), who used a 92 sided polygon to estimate 3 10/71 < π <3 1/7, giving an average value of  3.14185.
The accuracy of Archimedes calculation remained unsurpassed for 500 years, until Chinese mathematician Liu Hui (c. 225 CE) used a 192 sided polygon to improve the approximation to 3.1416. Another Chinese national, Zu Chongzhi (429-500 CE), was the first mathematician to surpass the accuracy of the Genesis formula when he used a 24,576 sided polygon to estimate π  as being between 3.1415926 and 
3.1415927. Zu proposed a fractional estimate of 355/113 which has become known as Zu's Ratio. It is now known that this is the most accurate fractional approximation of  
π  possible using a denominator less than 16,604. This was an incredible achievement unmatched by European, Indian or Middle Eastern mathematicians for about 1,000 years! 
The Rhind Papyrus held by the British Museum, dating from c 1650 BCE, which includes an approximation for π (3.1605) based on the Babylonian clay tablet from c 2000 BCE.
The accuracy to 7 decimal places established by Zu Chongzhi was finally surpassed by Persian mathematician Jamshīd al-Kāshī in 1400 CE, who extended the accuracy to 16 decimal places, which became the benchmark for a further 200 years.

Consider the 96, 192 and 24,576 sided polygons used by Archimedes, Liu Hui and Zu Chongzhi in their efforts to approximate the value of
π. These numbers share a striking pattern in binary notation:

  • 96 = 1100000 in binary
  • 192 = 11000000 in binary
  • 24,576 = 110000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
  • 24,576 = 6000 in hexadecimal
  • 24,576 = 60000 in octal
  • 24576 / 8 = 3072 = 6000 in octal
  • the totient of 24576 = 8192 = 2¹³         
  • 8192 = 10000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
A 2015 postage stamp from Hong Kong honoring the achievement of Zu Chongzhi. Note the polygonal method used bu Zu, Liu and Archimedes to achieve their respective approximations of π.
The numbers 6, 8 and 13 provide an interesting theme. The Talmud discusses the authorship of all the books of the Hebrew Bible and assigns all but the last eight verses of Deuteronomy (which describe the death of Moses), to Moses himself. The 8th  of the 13 Principles of Faith established by Maimonides states "The Torah that we have today is the one dictated to Moses by God"
  • the Greek word hex (εξ) meaning six (G1803) appears 13 time in the Bible
  • the Hebrew word for the sixth letter of the alphabet (וו) which literally means hook (H2053), also appears 13 times in the Bible
  • the Torah has six mentions of Moses writing passages: (Exo 17:14, 24:4, 34:28, Num 33:2, Deu 31:9, 31:22)
  • 17 x 14 + 24 x 4 + 34 x 28 + 33 x 2 + 31 x 9 + 31 x 22 = 2313

"Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word:" Psa 148:8
אש  וברד  שלג  וקיטור  רוח  סערה  עשה  דברו                                            212       375       335      214       331        333      212     301   =   2313
  • Psa 148:8 gives 148 x 8 = 1184
  • 1184 = 32 x 37
  • 192 = 32 x 6
  • there are 32 paths to wisdom in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation)
  • 37 x 6 = 222
  • the word "wisdom" appears in 222 Bible verses (KJV) 

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."  Rev 13:18
  • 24576 = 2 + 4 +5 + 7 + 6²
  • the totient of 96552 = 31968
  • 31968 = the number of days between the Great Kanto and Tohoku Earthquakes (see What Doest Thou Here, Elijah?)
  • 31968 = 6 x 8 x 666

"I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire."  Dan 7:9

"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;"  Rev 1:14
  • 192 = 3 x 64
  • 24576 / 6  = 64²
  • 64 x 37 = 2368 (the isopsephia value of Jesus Christ)

The gospels are known to have been written during the first century CE, well before the first vague reference to the concept of 
e in an appendix to John Napier's work on logarithms in 1618. The e notation made its first appearance in a letter Euler wrote in 1731. He made various discoveries regarding e in the following years, but it was not until 1748 when he published Introductio in Analysin infinitorum that he gave a full treatment of the ideas surrounding e. He showed that e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ...  and that e is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as ntends to infinity. Euler gave an approximation for 
e to 18 decimal places, e = 2.718281828459045235. The accuracy of the value of eobtained from the John 1:1 calculation wasn't surpassed for over 1,600 years! For a full account of the number e see here.

The probability of obtaining  π and e to five significant figure (1 in 10 billion) can also be written as 1 in 10¹⁰. It's interesting (considering the 210 years of the Egyptian sojourn) that on the first day of Sukkot, 5778, the sun will be π /210 x 10¹  kilometers from Jerusalem.


At this point, it would be easy to dismiss the numerical patterns derived from the Hebrew letters in the Bible's creation account as interesting but coincidental. Recent peer reviewed research, however, has extended the understanding of these same numbers  into the realm of science.  Included in their research was the following Table, setting out the molecular weight (gm/mol) of all 20 amino acids, which are the building blocks of all plants and animals. 
amino acids molecular weight genesis gematria
  • Total = 2738 = 2 x 37² = 2701 + 37 = 73 x 37 +37
  • Column 1 + Column 4 =1405.63 = 2 x 703 - 0.37
  • Column 2 + Column 3 = 1332.37 = 2 x 666 + 0.37
  • Column 1 + Column 3 = 1259.27 = 2 x 703 - 2 x 73 - 0.73
  • Column 2 + Column 4 = 1478.73 = 2 x 666 + 2 x 73 + 0.73
  • Blue Cells = 1406.55 = 2 x 703 + (0.73 + 0.37) / 2
  • Yellow Cells = 1331.45 = 2 x 666 - (0.73 + 0.37) / 2
  • Row A + Row B + Row C/2 = 1369.025 = 37² + 0.025
  • Row D + Row E + Row C/2 = 1368.075 = 37² - 0.025

Can it be just coincidence that the same numbers from Genesis 1:1 also show up in the amino acid table?

PROVERBS 3:19 AND 9:10

To go back to the beginning, let's revisit the word "wisdom". We have already seen that the gematria of the Hebrew "Chokmah" provided the numbers that spoke the universe into existence. The first word of the Torah "In the beginning [God created ...]," is translated into Aramaic as "With wisdom [God created...]". See here. The word "wisdom" occurs in 222 Bible verses. Rep digits always attract attention (consider 666 and 888) and are all divisible by 37. 

hebrew chockmah wisdom gematria
Gematria of the Hebrew word for wisdom (chokmah)
The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is א or Alef (spelt alef lamed pey) which gives a ragil gematria value of 111.  With this in mind, it seemed justified to explore these wisdom verses further. Where better to look than the Book of Wisdom - Solomon's Book of Proverbs. Like Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, Proverbs 3:19 is an account of the Creation story.
  • Gematria = 1447 + 2549 = 3996
  •  3996 = (6⁶ + 6⁷ + 6⁸ +6⁹) / (6*7*8*9)
  • 3996 = 108 x 37
  • 3996 = 6 x 666
  • 3996 = 3 x 1332 (Alpha Ω)
  • 3996 = 2 x 1998 (In the beginning God created the heaven...)

The term Alpha and Ω occurs three times in the Greek New Testament, all in the book of Revelation (1:8, 21:6 and 22:13). Each time, it 
was written as Alpha and Ω (not Alpha and Omega or α and Ω. The way it was written is the only way a gematria value of 1332 could be 
achieved. Also note that the untranslated את from Genesis 1:1 is the equivalent Alpha and Ω ( א is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet 
and ת is the last). It could be said that this word is superfluous to the reading of Genesis 1:1, but coded in is that God first created the Hebrew alphabet, and by it He then created the heaven and the earth.

As can be seen, 3996 is one of the most amazing numbers in all of Bible gematria. It reinforces the powerful creation account from 
Genesis 1:1 and gives further evidence of the the oneness and divine authorship of the Bible. 3996 as 108 x 37 provides graphic evidence 
of this number's significance. 108 is the number count of the perimeter of both the Israel star and the earth triangle from Genesis 1:1. Both 
are 37 rows deep. In number theory, the totient function or φ represents the number of integers < n which are co-prime with n. Interestingly, φ(37) = φ(108). This co-incidence is repeated in the gematria of the Genesis 1:1 triangle, where φ(1998) = φ(703).
Israel star and earth triangle gematria perimeter
The 541 star and the 703 triangle are both 37 rows deep, and each have a perimeter of 108.
  • 541 x 888 = 480,408
  • 480 + 408 = 888
  • 541 x 666 = 360,306
  • 360 + 306 = 666
  • 2701 x 541 = 1,461,241
  • 1 + 461 + 241 = 703
  • 541 x 703 = 380,323
  • 380 + 323 = 703

Whilst 3996 is not itself a star number, it embraces the "Star of Israel" in a graphic confirmation of the Bible's divine authorship. This parallels the phenomenon of John 1:1 providing a base for the Genesis 1:1 triangle.  541 + 3996 = 4537, which is the 28th star number.

Israel and Proverbs wisdom star gematria 3996
The Wisdom Star
Note the numerical pattern of the perimeter of these diagrams :   

  • Israel star  = 1 x 108 = 108 = 12 x 3²
  • Genesis triangle = 2 x 108 = 216
  • Wisdom star  = 3 x 108 = 324 = 12 x 3³

  • tan (108˚) x tan (216˚) = -√5
  • tan (108˚) x tan (324˚) = √5
  • (√5 + 1) / 2  =  phi  (golden ratio)

  • tan (2701˚) = tan (541˚)
  • tan (3996˚) = tan (216˚)
As was the case with the Genesis triangle, the Wisdom star can also be segmented into its constituent parts.
Israel Proverbs star 666 segments
Perimeter of each segment of the wisdom star is 108 - the Israel star has a perimeter of 108, as does each 666 convex hexagon.
Israel Proverbs star 1332 alpha omega segments
Perimeter of each Alpha Ω segment is 216, the same as the perimeter of the Genesis 1:1 triangle.
Israel Proverbs star 1998 segments
Perimeter of each 1998 segment is 256, which is 2⁸ or ((2²)²)² The Hebrew plural noun דברים (words or spoken) has a gematria value of 256. The words Jesus and Christ appear together in 256 Bible verses. The average density of the sun / average density of the earth = 0.256


  • 666 = the sum of the squares of the first seven primes  (2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17² = 666)

The symbolism of the earth (Genesis triangle) and Israel (wisdom star) surrounded by the mysterious number of the beast from  Revelation 13:18 cannot be easily avoided. It is symbolic of "the great day of the LORD" spoken of by the Prophet.

         "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision : for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision."  Joel 3:14

Both the triangle and the star, however, offer a consistent message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as John 1:1 forms a foundation for the Genesis triangle, Psalms 107:20, which has a  gematria value of 2196, fits snugly around the wisdom star. So 4537 + 2196 = 6733 which is the 34th star number.

                                                 "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God"   Isaiah 40:1

Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 gematria triangle
Blue foundation gematria value 3627 :
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."   John 1:1
Israel Proverbs Psalms star gematria
Blue surround gematria value 2196 :
"He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."  Psalms 107:20

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, from this time forth and forevermore.”
Psalms 125:2

So the Word was at the beginning as the foundation of creation, and will be at the end as the Saviour of His people (Alpha and Ω). 


The discovery of the wisdom star adds to the literature regarding the gematria from Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, and the harmony of the genetic code. Taken together, they proclaim that God is who He says He is and that He is in control. The elegant geometry based on the gematria of the Bible is proof of the integrity of the biblical text. The integration of Hebrew and Greek gematria demonstrates that the Bible is one book, with the authors and compilors of both Testaments under divine inspiration. 

Further evidence of the oneness of the Bible, and the integrity of the Biblical Canon can be seen from its layout. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, and the middle chapter (the 595th) is Psalms 117. This is also the shortest chapter in the Bible, consisting of just sixty-two Hebrew letters. The gematria of Psalms 117 is 2294 = 62 x 37. 

As further evidence that not one jot or one tittle are out of place, researcher Kevin Acres found elegant mathematical patterns relating to the Hebrew letter count in the Torah. This table details some of his findings:
Hebrew letter count torah genesis exodus leviticus
You can read Kevin's entire paper, "Data Integrity Patterns of the Torah"  here. The total number of Hebrew letters in the Torah is 304,807when one includes the two inverted nuns in Numbers. This number is prime, and also an emirp (a prime which gives a different prime when it's digits are reversed. Numbers 37 and 73 (the factors of Genesis 1:1) are also emirp primes.

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